- display: flex;
- justify-content:
- flex-start, flex-end;
- center;
- space-between, space-around;
- align-items:
- flex-start, flex-end;
- center;
- baseline, stretch;
- flex-direction:
- row, row-reverse;
- column, column-reverse;
- order:
- 子元素上调整单个元素的位置, 以原位置为0进行调整;
- align-self:
- 子元素上调整单个元素的正交位置, 值同align-items;
- flex-wrap:
- wrap, wrap-reverse;
- nowrap;
- flex-flow:
- 打包flex-direction和flex-wrap;
- align-content:
- 和align-items的不同: align-content determines the spacing between lines, while align-items determines how the items as a whole are aligned within the container.
- flex-start, flex-end;
- center;
- space-between, space-around;
- stretch;